Monday, May 05, 2008

Edward Cullen is the new Mr. Darcy (well for me anyway…)

It’s about high time that I write something about my recent obsession, which hopefully would fade in time (as most of my obsessions usually do) since it’s seriously not healthy…seriously…

Daene told me about this book called Twilight by Stephenie Meyer and how she’s interested in reading it, and I was like, “yeah sure, go ahead and let me know how it goes” (this knowing that her taste in books and mine don’t usually meet). It was vacation during Holy Week, and Daene’s texting like crazy telling me that I just HAVE to read this book (and that she can’t help feeling all gushy about it, it’s already driving her insane), and e-mailed me a copy of the book since she couldn’t possibly wait to see me and then wait a few days for me to finish it before talking about it. So anyway, fine, I read the book anyway…

Upon reading the first few chapters of the book, I was again texting Daene, and telling her, somewhat accusingly, “this is a young adult book, isn’t it?” Haha. This is what I get for reading something with an only “it’s about vampires” as a background and someone telling me she’s all mushy about it when in fact she hasn’t read a lot of romance books (and believe me, I have). But, somehow, I got on the Twilight zone (pardon the pun) and soon appreciated it for all its teen love angst. Just got me reminiscing when I watched Underworld and I really thought that being a vampire is so cool. Well, being a vampire is definitely cool in this book. What really hit the nail for me in this book was when I found out that this book is going to be made into a movie and Robert Pattinson’s playing Edward Cullen, the vampire hero of the book. And I, to put it succinctly, am hooked.

As of now, I’ve read the other two books of the series, New Moon and Eclipse. Granted, I’m still hooked to the series as ever, although my usually obsession now runs with the movie. Maybe it’s because I’m really all in for the action in the second half of Twilight, and of course visualizing how Edward could be in the widescreen. Nonetheless, I’m all for Edward Cullen being in my list of ideal men, even head to head with Mr. Darcy (and that’s already saying A LOT about the fellow). Or maybe Edward is the teenage (well technically not since he’s more than a hundred years old) version of Mr. Darcy (well, why not? Meyer mentions Pride and Prejudice in her series so there could be a character reference). The overall plot so far is definitely gripping, although there are a few lulls for me (is it obvious that I want every page to be eventful?). Upon finishing the third book, I’m totally in love with Edward, and I’m kind of not liking Bella, hehehe. I mean I’m all for character flaws, but crap, sometimes I can’t handle the indecision. Edward also has some characters in a guy that I don’t like, the possessiveness for one, but damn, if it’s him, I’m game for anything. He’s an intense guy, that’s for sure. He makes me gooey sometimes it makes me sick.

Hence, this obsession, although I expect it would lie low for a while, will probably run through August, when Breaking Dawn comes up and until December, when the movie will be shown. As of now, I’m trying to do some serious withdrawal techniques, i.e. watching other romantic series, reading other romance novels that don’t deal with creatures, getting immersed with my HK trip to tide me through the coming months. Good luck to me.

* to drive home the point of obsession, my friend put up the Twilight Coven Philippines, aimed to serve all Filipino Twilight fans out there. So please drop by if you have time!!! (link also located at the sidebar)

* my brother FINALLY finished the new look of my blog…although he says it’s a work in progress, so yeah, I’m celebrating this new look with this Twilight entry. Thanks Dale for finishing this :)

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