Sunday, July 07, 2013

myanmar trip music video

And it's finally here! Another travel video, this time from our trip to Myanmar. The editing took longer than I expected because there are WAY too many footages (can't imagine there are only two of us in this trip given the number of files in my hard drive) and the song made it relatively more challenging for me to select the appropriate clips (compared to my previous videos).

Since I bought new toys (my Canon EOS M and Go Pro Hero 2) to shoot the videos, I might as well milk it and make travel music videos for all major trips in the future. So I'm debuting the travel nut logo as well in this clip (thanks to bro-in-law for the art!) and would probably re-upload our Seoul video using the same markers. UPDATE(7/28): Re-uploaded our Seoul video in the link provided.

So here you go, enjoy!

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