Saturday, April 11, 2020

waterfall circuit

Quarantine period is not allowing me to procrastinate any longer so I'm taking on my severe vlog backlog (starting from my trips back in...err...2018). I already managed to finish one trip that year during the last Christmas holiday and here's the next one!

I LOVE waterfalls. I seriously only get motivated to go on hikes if I know that we will be hitting waterfalls (and swim) at some point. So imagine how ecstatic I was when I found out that there's a waterfall circuit hike in Luisiana, Laguna where you can see not one but THREE waterfalls! So I dragged my Laguna-friend who fortunately also loves the water on this hike. Got doused in the second waterfalls and went on a swim in the third one. Apparently they don't allow swimming in the first one for safety reasons. We went during the summer so the amount of water is less compared to the rainy months but we were happy nonetheless :)

So I have...three more trips in 2018 that I have to edit. And four vlogs for 2019. Good luck to me.

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